Current Missions

Evangelism and Outreach

Opportunities for evangelism and outreach are provided through mission trips (both local and foreign), community events such as Fall Festival, service projects, Angel Tree Christmas programs, food collection, holiday meals for families at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, hosting a community Thanksgiving meal, and hosting blood drives. We give opportunity through Prison Fellowship & Angel Tree to purchase gifts for children whose parent/parents are incarcerated. The purchased gifts are given to the children from their parent.

We also join other ministries from the Body of Christ to minister to those in need such For Richmond, as well as partnering with other local fellowships in outreach efforts. This not only ministers to people but promotes unity within the Body of Christ. It takes churches and ministries of all sizes to accomplish God’s mission of reaching Richmond for Jesus.

CAREMORE Food Pantry

CareMore Food Pantry is The Celebration Center’s outreach to those who need help with food. The food distribution takes place on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of each month from 4-6 pm, and at other times by appointment. We also partner with Crestwood Elementary School to supply Holiday meals & groceries for families in need at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. This partnership is facilitated by the CareMore director and the Guidance Department at Crestwood.

Caremore is a partner agency of FEED More.

FeedMore is Central Virginia's core hunger-relief organization comprised of programs like the Central Virginia Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, Mobile Pantry, Kids Cafe, Hunger Hotline and weekend BackPack Program. FeedMore's mission is to fight hunger in the community by providing the region's most vulnerable populations - children, families and seniors - with one of the most basic necessities: nourishment.

For more information or for immediate help, please contact Pastor Terri at (804) 283-1320.

Local Outreach

Our Mission…

For Richmond is a nonprofit organization that connects and equips Christian leaders to collaborate for the transformation of Metro Richmond. We help unite churches and communities behind issues that are larger than any one organization can tackle. We cultivate the space and focus for individuals to have greater impact through unity of vision and resources..


Founded in 1982 by an ex-prisoner who witnessed firsthand the strained relationship between prisoners and their children, Angel Tree has grown to become the largest national outreach specifically for the children of prisoners.


The Great Commission mandates that as believers we “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Part of our obedience to the Great Commission is to sow financially and through prayer into ministries that God connects us with. We support individual missionaries as well as ministries that touch people throughout the world as well as in our own city!

Below are the ministries that we support all over the world. if you would like additional information on these ministries, click on the ministry name BUTTON and you will be connected to the ministry website.

Mike & Angela Jones


Resident Missionaries, Mississippi Jesse & Kaila McBride


Dunn, NC Reginald Stone


Richmond, VA Sherrie Moore


India Kiran & Lakshmi Paul


Peru Anibal Peralta Guevara

Richmond, VA
Mike & Terrie Jenkins


South Africa Paul & Annelie Clamp

Richmond, VA Andy Redford


Richmond, VA Andrew & Jill Fuller


Baltimore, MD Jonathan & Paula Roiz


Israel Mike Evans

Jeremie, Haiti Marc Donald & Krista Germeil


Richmond, VA Bev Gibson


Richmond, VA Mike & Stacy Young


The Philippines Erik & Dana Peterson


Washington, DC Doug & Patricia Joyner


The Celebration Center partners with Everything Basketball to offer Upward Basketball.