Celebration Kids
Children are very important in The Celebration Center. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid His hands on them and departed from there. (Mat: 19:14,15 NKJV)…
Infant and Toddler Nursery
Childcare ministry is provided for children birth to 2 years old. They are nurtured, taught and ministered to in a safe and loving environment.
Children’s Church
The Children meet with the adults for worship and then they are dismissed for Children’s church. This ministry is for children from ages 3 to 5th grade. During this time they are separated into two classes (3-5 year old, K-5th grade). They are ministered to through creative means such as puppets, crafts, object lessons, etc.
Children’s Ministry Mission Statement
Praise, Accept, Raise, Train, You
The Celebration Center Children’s Ministry desires to teach kids to Praise God for He is great and greatly to be praised. We seek to reach children by Accepting and caring for them. We help them develop a deep love for God’s Word by helping them to Read and memorize the Word of God. We Train children in the ways of the Lord, for the Word tells us to Train up a child in the way he/she should go and when he/she is old they will not depart from it and lastly to tell each child that “You are special to God.”
Children’s Ministry Vision Statement
To see each child as God’s special creation with a call and unique plan for their life. To help them find the divine purpose God created them to be. We speak blessings over the children at The Celebration Center. We call teachers, leaders, preachers, evangelists, prophets, missionaries, physicians, nurses, carpenters, anointed dancers, praisers, worshipers, musicians, lovers of God, soldiers of Christ, workers for the kingdom, witnesses for Jesus, men of wisdom and women of honor to help their natural creative talents to be released in each child.
We pray the gifts and calling of the lord to be manifested now and in the future. We pray for direction and guidance for the pastors, parents, teachers, helpers and leaders at The Celebration Center to train, equip and nurture these God has placed in our care. We call a Holy Passion for Christ to grow more and more evident in these last days. We claim victory over the enemy through the blood of Jesus. We release the Holy Spirit in our lives and the lives of people God has placed in our care.
Together we will make a difference in this world and the kingdom to come for all eternity.