Join us Sundays at 10:30am
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Y’all come…
For upcoming events, check our Facebook or Instagram!
Sunday services begin at 10:30am. Join us in praise followed by a sermon.
Wednesday night Gatherings begin at 7pm. Please join us for our Revelations series!
Children’s Class starts at 7pm as well!
Caremore Food Pantry..
Open the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 4-6pm.
For emergency or immediate assistance please click the button below:
Acts 12:5 Prayer. Come out and pray with us at 10 am!
“Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midsts is the Holy One of Israel.” Isaiah 12:6
“But be doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22
Our mission is based on the scripture, “but be doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22) We seek to obey this scripture through Discipleship, Outreach, Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Servanthood.
We are so glad you have stopped by The Celebration Center’s website. We are a community of believers that truly desire to please the Lord through our worship and service within the four walls of our building, as well as show the love of Jesus outside in the marketplace. TCC is a non-denominational, charismatic fellowship that is multi-cultural, contemporary and casual, with a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, where people can find Christ, and through Him, fulfill their destiny and purpose in life. We try to keep our message true, our motives pure, and our methods proper. We’d love to invite you to be our guest, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope that as you navigate through the website, you will be spiritually inspired and encouraged in your life today!
God bless you all,
Danny & Sharon Meads, Pastors

What To Expect
Friendly People
We love to meet new folks and have new guests join us!
Relaxed Atmosphere
You'll notice some folks who like to dress up for church and others who don't. Feel free to wear what's comfortable for you, and you'll fit right in.
Praise & Worship
When we gather as God’s people we sing a mixture of old hymns and new songs that help to stir our souls in celebration to Jesus.
Children’s Ministry & Nursery
After the praise and worship portion of the service, children ages 3 yrs to 5th grade go to classes for bible teaching and fun activities designed with them in mind. Younger children may be cared for in the nursery upon request! Just ask a team member and we’re happy to help.
*Family Sundays*
On the last Sunday of each month all children remain in the sanctuary during the adult service for its entirety. This gives opportunity for the children to experience worship with their families and our faithful children’s workers a time to be ministered to.
We are a community of people who want to know and follow Jesus. Whoever you are and wherever you're from, we'd love to meet you. Please come and be a part of our service. We'll make you feel right at home.